MONTGOMERY-The science and art of hunting is a continuous learning process. Experts say the best method of learning is actual experience. No class can replicate the knowledge a new hunter gains from spending time afield, experiencing the thrill of the chase, the challenge of learning the habits of his quarry and mastering the effective use of his tools. The primary mission of the Alabama Hunter Education Program is not necessarily to teach someone how to hunt, but rather to provide leadership and training to aid hunters to be safe, knowledgeable, responsible and involved stewards of Alabama’s wildlife resources.
The number one goal of the Alabama Hunter Education Program is to eliminate as many hunting related incidents as possible. Most hunter education instructors believe all accidents are preventable. In fact, the majority of hunting related accidents can be prevented by following two basic safety rules: (1) keep the muzzle of all firearms pointed in a safe direction, and (2) when using an elevated stand, always wear and attach a safety harness to the tree from the moment you leave the ground until you return to the ground.
Another goal of the Alabama Hunter Education Program is to increase hunters’ and the public’s awareness and knowledge of Alabama’s wildlife resources and their management. Wildlife such as deer, turkeys and migratory birds, which were once on the decline, has become abundant. Hunters are the reason that these and other species have made such a rebound. Hunters pay for wildlife conservation and provide opportunities to people who enjoy the outdoors simply buy purchasing a hunting license. Federal excise taxes on hunting related equipment, guns and ammunition are an important source of funding for state wildlife agencies that manage and protect our natural resources. Hunting is also an important wildlife management tool to keep populations healthy and within the carrying capacity of the habitat.
Finally, the Alabama Hunter Education Program attempts to create an awareness and sense of responsibility among hunters and other outdoor persons of their legal and ethical responsibilities. Good, ethical hunters do the right thing even if no one is watching. The hunter education program recruits and trains volunteers who share these ideals. The goal is to lay the foundation for good ethics and create hunters who follow and share these principles with other hunters and non-hunters alike.
The basics of responsible hunting and firearms handling are covered in the hunter education course. The true objectives of hunter education are to improve the public’s knowledge of modern wildlife management and laws and to make hunting in Alabama a safer and more enjoyable recreational experience. Students who successfully complete this course will have a better understanding of their obligations to the landowner, resources, other
hunters and themselves.
You’ve heard the expression, “One bad apple spoils the barrel.” This saying is true when it comes to hunting. Every time there is a hunting accident, or a poacher hunts on someone else’s land or a person engages in some questionable activity and calls it hunting, it has a negative impact. The hunter education program helps participants understand that doing the right thing produces positive results for all hunters.
For details on completing a hunter education course in Alabama, visit
MEDIA RELEASE/ By Michael Bloxom, Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries