Florence, AL…The American Bus Association (ABA) announced that the W.C. Handy Music Festival has been designated as one of the Top 100 Events in North America for 2013 by an experienced expert tourism industry selection committee. Inclusion in the Top 100 list, published as a supplement to the September/October issue of Destinations magazine, indicates that the W.C. Handy Music Festival offers excellent entertainment value to both tour groups and individual travelers from around the world, according to ABA.
“The attractiveness of the W.C. Handy Music Festival as a don’t-miss entertainment value is only part of why its selection this year is such a distinction for the Shoals,” said Peter J. Pantuso, CTIS, ABA’s president and CEO. “The real news here is that Handy Fest has been recognized as a potential magnet for tourism dollars, at a time when reenergizing domestic tourism is so important to our spirit and our economy. The honor gives the W.C. Handy Music Festival an important boost in visibility among professional tour planners.”
According to studies completed by researchers at The GeorgeWashington University and Dunham and Associates, one overnight visit by a motorcoach group can leave from US $5,000 to more than US $11,000 in a local destination’s economy. Those dollars are spent on lodging, meals, admissions, fees, shopping, souvenirs, services and local taxes. “Motorcoach groups spend more and stay longer,” Pantuso said. “That’s why Handy Fest is truly a local economic asset. There is no better way to jump-start tourism than to attract motorcoach groups to a great event and convince them to extend their stay.”
ABA’s 2013 Top 100 Events Selection Committee selected the W.C. Handy Music Festival from hundreds of event nominations submitted by ABA members. Judges considered the event’s broad appeal, its accessibility to motorcoaches and skill at handling large groups, and a variety of other relevant criteria. The Top 100 Events list is available online at http://www.buses.org/News-Publications/Top-100. The 2013 W.C. Handy Music Festival is slated for July 19-28.