The Colbert County Tourism Bureau, in cooperation with the Natchez Trace Compact, will host
a social media workshop open to the general public and geared to tourism organizations that are in the three-state region which is covered by the Natchez Trace Parkway. The seminar will be conducted by Ellison Belt, owner/CEO of Mojoloco, LLC, of Jackson, MS, at Cold Water Inn on October 30 from 9:00 a.m until 2:00 p.m. Participants should bring their own laptop computers or tablets. The workshop is free, however pre-registration is required.
Topics to be covered are: Social Set-up (creating profiles and pages for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Google + and others), Managing the Customer Experience (including TripAdvisor, Urbanspoon, and others) Social Marketing 101 (aps and platforms for promotion), and Free Tools. Each of these sessions will last approximately 1 hour. An hour break will be allowed for “on-your- own” lunch.

Ellison Belt, owner/CEO of Mojoloco, LLC, a social media and advertising and marketing firm based in Jackson, MS.
Mojoloco, an advertising agency specializing in web and social media, was founded in 2006. In the past 5 years, under Ellison Belt’s leadership, it has evolved into the premier social media consultancy in the state of Mississippi. For more information or to register, contact Colbert County Tourism by October 26 at 256-383-0783 or
Ellison Belt, owner/CEO of Mojoloco, LLC, a social media and advertising and marketing firm based in Jackson, MS. is the featured presenter at a free social media workshop sponsored by Colbert County Tourism and the Natchez Trace Compact on Oct. 30, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at Cold Water Inn, 712 Hwy. 72 W, Tuscumbia. For more information or to register: 256-383-0783 or