How To Use The Affordable Care Act

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Tom McCutcheon

Tom McCutcheon

As lawyers there will always be rules, regulations and laws that we personally would not have on the books.  Nonetheless, it is our job to use the law for the benefit for our clients.  The Affordable Care Act has helped us when we represent someone who needs treatment but does not have insurance.  One of the key provisions of the Act is that people cannot be excluded or priced out of the market because of pre-existing conditions.  Therefore, we will occasionally buy insurance for a client who needs medical care so that they can get the treatment they need without waiting for a jury to make a decision a year or two down the road.


I think a lot of people can take advantage of the Affordable Care Act during the open enrollment period which begins November 1.  I also think that some people make poor decisions when choosing an insurance plan.  By that I mean people look for the lowest available premium.  The problem with the lowest premium will invariably cost more in deductibles which may run into the thousands of dollars.


If someone has ongoing medical issues, they will come out ahead by paying a higher monthly premium for a plan that has lower out of pocket costs.  Think about what your health care needs will be.  Are you at risk for diabetes, cancer or kidney disease?  If you are and have to go to a specialist frequently, then a higher premium for a better plan will cost a lot less in the long run.  When you use the heath care calculator it will rank your options beginning with the lowest premium when what you really want to look for is below that for total costs.


You will need social security number for everyone you want on your insurance policy as well as the gross salary for your family and a W-2 form it you have one.  Have a list of medication your family needs and the dosages and see how much co-pay there will be for each prescription.  If you already have health insurance and are shopping for a better policy, you will need the policy numbers for everyone already insured.  Look at the co-pays for in network providers and out of network providers.  Make a good decision about the total costs.


I had my knee scoped after skiing in 2010 and had a very good and very expensive health insurance policy.  I was forced to pay for an x-ray even though I knew I had a meniscus tear (I am a personal injury lawyer after all) and anyone who knows about x-rays knows they won’t show cartilage and other soft tissue.  By the time I had the surgery my out of pocket costs were about $2,000.00 which I could afford but I was surprised given the “Cadillac” policy that my law firm provided.  So, be aware that there will be costs that aren’t covered and if you can anticipate your medical needs and get the plan that covers your needs, it may cost a little more monthly but save you thousands a year.


Buckle up and drive safely.

McCutcheon & Hamner, P.C.
2210 Helton Drive
Florence, Alabama 35630
Telephone: 256-764-0112


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