Celebrating 80 years of progress in energy, environment and economic development

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80  KNOXVILLE— The Tennessee Valley Authority on Friday celebrated 80 years of delivering reliable and affordable electricity to the people of the Tennessee Valley and invited the public to test their knowledge of TVA in a special online scavenger hunt contest to mark the milestone.

“TVA’s mission is as relevant and essential as ever,” TVA President and

Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson

CEO Bill Johnson said during an employee event at Knoxville headquarters to commemorate the anniversary.

President Franklin Roosevelt signed the TVA Act on May 18, 1933, creating what has become the nation’s largest public utility and a significant economic driver and environmental steward for the Valley.

“The good jobs and quality investments we help bring to the Valley have never been more important to the people of our region,” Johnson said.

“For eight decades, TVA has been a faithful partner in strengthening and protecting our nation. We provide the energy, manage the resources and work in harmony with others to make our region better and move our nation closer to a cleaner energy future,” he continued.

scavanger hunt            As part of the celebration, TVA launched an online scavenger hunt on Fridaywith a list of TVA-related current and historical questions at www.tva.com/80th. Answers can be found on TVA’s public website at www.tva.com/.

Entries with correct answers to all questions received by June 17 will be entered into a drawing for a free In-Home Energy Evaluation from TVA and their participating local power company. Through IHEE, homeowners receive an on-site inspection, energy efficiency advice and up to $500 in reimbursements on eligible recommended home improvements when completed. Alternate prizes will be available if the winner’s local power company does not participate in IHEE.

Complete scavenger hunt contest rules are available at www.tva.com/80th.

Johnson says the scavenger hunt and the 80th anniversary celebration remind us about all that TVA has accomplished and how much TVA continues to do in service to the people of the Tennessee Valley.

In 2012 alone, TVA helped attract or retain more than 42,000 jobs across the Valley. Earlier this year, TVA’s integrated system of dams controlled heavy rains by averting $800 million in flood damage one month and setting a record for hydroelectric generation a month later.

TVA also is on the leading edge of exploring advances in meeting growing energy needs and changing TVA silvertechnologies, including the development of small modular nuclear reactors and the modernization of the power grid.

“Eighty years of progress has made us wiser and has contributed to our mission of improving the lives of residents within the Tennessee Valley. It is a privilege to serve the people of the Valley in ways no other agency does. As we begin our ninth decade of service, TVA’s vision is to be one of our nation’s leading providers of low-cost and cleaner energy,” Johnson said.

The Tennessee Valley Authority is a corporate agency of the United States that provides electricity for business customers and local power distributors serving 9 million people in parts of seven southeastern states. TVA receives no taxpayer funding, deriving virtually all of its revenues from sales of electricity. In addition to operating and investing its revenues in its electric system, TVA provides flood control, navigation and land management for the Tennessee River system and assists local power companies and state and local governments with economic development and job creation.


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