Florence-Florence, Alabama is celebrating the 139th birthday of native son William Christopher Handy,

W.C. Handy
The “Father of the Blues” on November 16th. A celebration at W. C. Handy’s birthplace takes place every year, complete with birthday cake, ice cream and a heaping helping of the blues.
W.C. Handy was born in Florence in 1873 in a simple cabin that today houses a large collection of his personal papers and artifacts. Hand hewn logs in the cabin are original and the home is furnished as it might have been at Handy’s birth. Additionally, there is a small library on black history and culture.
The museum includes Handy’s famous trumpet, his personal piano, handwritten sheet music, photographs, household furnishings, and a wealth of memorabilia. Born with a natural musical talent, young Handy cited the sounds of nature, such as whippoorwills, bats, hoot owls, and the sounds of Cypress Creek as inspiration. He envisioned bird calls as notes on a scale.
Handy was a deeply religious and educated musician who used folk material in his compositions. He was scrupulous in documenting his works, which allowed his music to be reproduced by musicians the world over. Handy composed well known blues jewels such as St. Louis Blues, Beale Street Blues, and Memphis Blues. He remains among the most influential of American songwriters. Tough Handy was one of many musicians who played the distinctively American form of music known as the blues, he is credited with giving it life in the contemporary form. W.C. Handy died in March of 1958 in New York City.
An annual 10 day festival is held each July. The W.C. Handy music festival attracts musicians from around the world for a week-long celebration of music, with events held in Florence and surrounding communities. www.wchandymusicfestival.com
For more information on the W.C. Handy Museum and other Florence attractions, call toll free1-888-356-8687 or www.VisitFlorenceal.com