ATHENS-The Athens Wastewater Treatment Plant recently received two awards for its operations.
The plant underwent inspections for both awards and had to meet ADEM requirements for compliance of current National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
The plant received the Alabama Water Environment Association Award of Excellence in the five to 10 million gallon per day category earlier this month at the Alabama/Mississippi Joint Annual Water Conference.
The plant received the Alabama Water and Pollution Control Association Award of Excellence in the greater than 8.9 million gallon per day category at the AWPCA conference in mid-August.

Plant Superintendent Virgil White receiving an award from Mr. Brent Kulavich, AWPCA President during the Alabama Water and Pollution Control Association (AWPCA) Conference.
“We are blessed with a highly trained operations and maintenance staff, and I appreciate the work they do to keep our facility working and looking good,” said Virgil White, plant superintendent. “We have visitors who tell us how new our plant looks to them. Then we have visitors who know the age of our equipment and brag on us for keeping it looking new.”
Most of the plant underwent an upgrade in 2008-2009.
“Many do not realize that our treatment plant not only operates well but has beautiful grounds because the employees have pride in their work,” Athens Mayor Ronnie Marks said. “I congratulate Virgil and the staff on receiving these awards and for the work they do each day.”