Multi-media art reception a crowd pleaser in Tuscumbia

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TUSCUMBIA –  The Tennessee Valley Art Association held a special reception Sunday at The Tennessee Valley Museum of Art.  Part of TVAA’s  “Art Works 2012” program, the multi-media survey of work by TVAA artist members illustrates the vast range of talent and innovation by northwest-Alabama artists.

Oianist Cheryl Sparks, of Tuscumbia, performed a selection of blues music  as part of the annual W.C. Handy Music Festival, which honors the Florence, Ala., native known as the Father of the Blues. Artist members participating in the show will be there to discuss their work.

Sparks, a former piano teacher and member of the now-retired quartet Jericho, owns Sparks-Freeze Music with James Freeze, a musician at the Grand Ol’ Opry. They focus on Christian music and have a song on Percy Sledge’s upcoming gospel album.

The program lasts through  Friday, Sept. 7, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays
and 1-3 p.m. Sundays.

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