NORTH ALABAMA – The Quad-Cities Daily just got this notice from LifeSouth:
“You may pass them in the aisle at the grocery, sit next to them in church or see them stepping off of a school bus – right here in our community are a quiet group of people who are saving lives because they make the decision to donate blood.
January is set aside nationally as Blood Donor Awareness Month, and LifeSouth would like to thank all of those who donated blood in the past year. Whether it was a blood drive at school, at work, in the parking lot of a shopping center or at one of our donor centers, this special group of people made an impact for people living right here. There are thousands of people who survived to welcome 2014 because these anonymous lifesavers decided to take a few minutes out of a day to make a difference.
Cancer patients, trauma victims, newborn babies and many more benefitted. Nationally, donor numbers are small – just more than 4 percent of Americans give regularly. Fortunately, many come back again and again to help. They have saved the lives of our neighbors, our friends and possibly their own family members, and they could certainly use some help in 2014. At a time when we’re still considering our New Year’s resolutions, think about becoming a blood donor or giving more often because that change could help someone right here in North Alabama. An investment of a few minutes could mean a lifetime of difference for someone in the coming year.”