Governor Bentley Announces Dr. Nancy Dunlap as Special Advisor to the Alabama Medicaid Advisory Commission

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Governor Robert Bentley

MONTGOMERY – Governor Robert Bentley on Thursday announced that Dr. Nancy Dunlap, a well-known expert in business and health policy, will serve as Special Advisor to the newly-established Alabama Medicaid Advisory Commission.

Dr. Dunlap is a professor of medicine and business at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.  She has also served as chief of staff and chief operating officer for the Kirklin Clinic in Birmingham.

Dr. Dunlap is currently completing a 2011-2012 Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellowship for the Committee on Energy and Commerce in the United States House of Representatives.  The committee is chaired by Republican Congressman Fred Upton of Michigan.  Dr. Dunlap will also be leading the Alabama Health Policy Initiative, which is an independent component of the UAB School of Public Health.




Dr. Nancy Dunlap,Special Advisor to the newly-established Alabama Medicaid Advisory Commission.

“Dr. Dunlap is widely respected in the medical and business communities, and she will be a great asset to the Alabama Medicaid Advisory Commission,” Governor Bentley said.  “She has a thorough understanding of the issues affecting healthcare in Alabama, and I believe her work as an advisor will benefit not only this commission, but also all the people of this state.”

“The goal of this commission is to increase efficiency in Medicaid while also delivering higher-quality care,” Governor Bentley added. “Dr. Dunlap’s background and experience make her uniquely qualified to work with this commission and help outline improvements and efficiencies that will make the Alabama Medicaid Agency more sustainable.”

“I am honored to work with Governor Bentley and with members of the Alabama Medicaid Advisory Commission,” Dr. Dunlap said.  “Together, we can craft a financially sustainable Alabama Medicaid program that provides the best possible care for the most vulnerable citizens.”

Governor Bentley recently established the commission by executive order.  Commission members held their first meeting Thursday afternoon.  State Health Officer Dr. Donald Williamson is serving as chair of the commission and will work closely with Dr. Dunlap and commission members in outlining recommendations for improvement.

“I have had the privilege and honor of working with Dr. Dunlap on many issues related to healthcare in Alabama over the years.  Her expertise and knowledge will bring a great deal of strength to the work of the commission,” Dr. Williamson said.  “I am excited to have the opportunity to work with Dr. Dunlap once again.  Dr. Dunlap and the Health Policy Initiative will provide significant expertise and staffing assistance to the work of the commission.”

The commission is expected to submit its recommendations for improvements in Alabama Medicaid to Governor Bentley prior to the 2013 Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature.

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