Center Stage presents …. “The Importance of Being Earnest”

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Thursday-Saturday, Aug. 23-25 and Thursday-Friday, Aug. 30-31 — Center Stage, the community-theater arm of the Tennessee Valley Art Association, presents Oscar Wilde’s social comedy “The Importance of Being Earnest,” Ritz Theatre, 111 W. Third St., Sheffield. Performances are at 7:35 p.m. A pre-performance curtain talk will be at 6:45 p.m. nightly by C. William Foster, professor emeritus of English at the University of North Alabama. Tickets, including both the performance and the pre-performance talk, are $11.50 adults and $7 students in advance from the Tennessee Valley Museum of Art, 256.383.0533, or (online handling fee added) and $13.50 adults and $8 students at the door. Contact Keith McMurtrey at 256.383.0533 or visit

This play is one of the most delightful and memorable social comedies ever written and showcases why Oscar Wilde is considered one of the greatest wits of Western literature. The story revolves around an inventive case of contrived mistaken identity. The plot that satirizes Victorian manners and customs is light, witty, absolutely unforgettable and remarkably appropriate for society today.

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