MONTGOMERY – Alabamians who received unemployment compensation benefits in 2024 can now view and download their form 1099-G online at
If accessing directly from the ADOL home page, claimants should select:
- I’m a claimant
- Request/Provide Claim Information
- View 1099 Tax Document
The Form 1099-G details how much unemployment compensation claimants received during the calendar year as well as information about taxes withheld from unemployment benefits. This information must be reported each year.
The forms are also available for years 2011-2023.
“This convenient access to important tax forms is available to all Alabamians who received unemployment compensation benefits,” said Alabama Secretary of Labor Marty Redden. “Forms will be mailed to the address on record regardless of online access.”
These forms are password protected and must be accessed with a claimant’s Social Security number, date of birth, or their PIN number.
Media Release/Alabama Department of Labor