School Employee Distributing Obscene Material to a Student.
Rape 2nd – Statutory
Sodomy 2nd
School Employee Engaged in a Sex Act or Deviant Sexual Intercourse with a Student Under the Age of 19 Years.
MADISON COUNTY-On April 20, 2024, at approximately 11:45 PM, Madison County Sheriff’s Office deputies conducted a traffic stop near Highway 72 and Shields Road. The vehicle’s driver, Makayla Ann Anderton, was identified by deputies during the preliminary investigation, which was prompted by a moving violation. Additionally, a minor who was fifteen years old was found inside the vehicle and also identified by deputies.
Major Crimes Unit of the Madison County Sheriff’s Office was contacted and responded to the location. MCSO detectives conducted a thorough investigation and ascertained that the driver involved was a Madison County School System employee and that the minor was a student within the same school district.
As a result of this investigation, Sheriff’s detectives have arrested Makayla Ann Anderton, 26, with numerous sex crimes against the juvenile. The sexual assaults took place over the last two months. The school employee, Makayla Ann Anderton, began engaging the 15-year-old victim in conversations that became sexual in nature. The victim and suspect then exchanged numerous photographs, videos, and explicit text messages. Anderton also met with the victim several times and engaged in various sex acts.
On April 20, MCSO Major Crimes detectives arrested Anderton and booked her into the Madison County Jail Facility. Anderton was charged with the following charges:

Anyone with information regarding this incident or who believes they know or are the victim of a similar assault should call the MCSO Major Crimes Unit at (256) 533-8820.
Media Release/Madison County Sheriff’s Office