Susie Martin….Big Sister Of The Year…All Year Round

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featuregroupFLORENCE– Susie Martin has been nominated for the 2014 National Big of the Year, because she has been a wonderful Big Sister to Sabrina Carles.

Martin smiled at the sound of Sabrina’s name,”I got Sabrina when she was seven.”
Sabrina is 12 now, and a sixth grader at Central. “We do everything together now,” said Martin.

Sabrina Coles

She explained her role, “I’m trying to mentor her. That’s what Big Brothers Big Sisters is all about.”
As a mentor, “You try to teach them proper grammar, how to dress, money management. And one of the big things we do is community service.”
“We worked a day on the Habitats for Humanity. We do the soup kitchen once a month. We are the greeters, so we know most of the people.”
“She loves animals, so we volunteered with P.A.W.S,” said Martin. Sabrina’s favorite animal is a cat.

dofpingirl“We work all day at the animal shelter walking dogs, cleaning the pins and giving them baths.”
They even volunteer at Petco adoption days. “She loves to walk the dogs around the store.”
Martin and Carles have a big charity event this Sunday. “Our big thing is the Cerebral Palsy Telethon this weekend. We will be jail birds to raise money,”
They raised over eight thousand dollars last year for the telethon.
Martin expressed, “She’s got the biggest, sweetest heart.”
Martin said they also visit the Florence Nursing home. Sabrina took to a woman, Ruth Alexander, and they have been friends who make things for each other ever since.
Martin nurtures Sabrina in academic ways too. “We work hard on her grades. I try to encourage her, by telling her she can get a scholarship, go to college, so she can make something of herself.”
Martin and her husband, Jay Martin, have done a lot of firsts for Sabrina. They took her on her first airplane ride and to Six Flags.
“I’m very very excited to be representing the state. Because to me, this is a great organization. And I want to get the word out,” said Martin.
“My biggest goal was to bring awareness to the program. There are so many kids out there that are on the waiting list for a Big Sister or Brother. The requirement is only four hours a month.”
Martin is a role model for role models. “She’s had a rough life, so we love to just make her happy.” Also, “It gives me a sense of fulfillment. We look forward to getting her every week.”
When Susie Martin and her husband found out,”We couldn’t wait to tell Sabrina. When she found out, she jumped up and down. To see the look on her face. It’s worth everything to me.”



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