Every year the Colbert County Domestic Violence Response Coalition holds a number of events to raise awareness and resources for families dealing with domestic violence.
October 1st is the Annual Candlelight Vigil on the Colbert County Courthouse lawn from 6 to 7:30 pm. This event remembers the many people who lost their lives to domestic violence in the Shoals area. Bring a lawn chair or blanket.
October 14th is the Kickstands Up for Domestic Violence Awareness Poker Scramble. The ride starts and ends at Pavillion 4 in Spring Park, Tuscumbia. The cost is $20 per bike and $10 per poker hand. If it rolls, it rides. We ride, rain or shine. Kick stands up at 11 am. Kick stands down at 3:00 pm. A meal will be available at noon and a silent auction will take place until 4 pm.
Please join the CCDVRC and support these two events.
Media Release/MARY BASCHAB-HASLACKER/Colbert County Domestic Violence Response Coalition