MUSCLE SHOALS – Northwest Shoals Community College (NWSCC) will hold Metallica Scholars Manufacturing Day Wednesday, October 25, on the Shoals campus from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. The open house networking event will offer an opportunity for students to explore the manufacturing careers possible through NWSCC.
“This year we are excited to celebrate our 60th anniversary of serving Northwest Alabama,” said NWSCC President Dr. Jeff Goodwin. “Events like Manufacturing Day are great for us to help students see the partnership and connection between the college and our local workforce. These remarkable manufacturing careers are critical to sustaining and growing our workforce with some of the brightest students in our community.”
Manufacturing Day is held annually on the first Friday in October to promote manufacturing careers with events held throughout the month. NWSCC will provide an opportunity for college students, high school students, and the general public to experience and learn more about eight manufacturing careers: Auto Service, Carpentry, Design Engineering, Electrical, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Industrial Maintenance, Machining, and Welding.

Students look at a 3D model from NWSCC Design Engineering Instructor Trent Allen during the 2022 Metallica Scholars Manufacturing Day event on the Shoals campus
Each NWSCC program’s open house will be joined by local business and industry representatives in the area. “This networking opportunity for our current students and prospective students will help them see the need in our local workforce and the tremendous opportunities they have close to home,” said NWSCC Dean of Workforce Development, Institutional Effectiveness, and Advancement John McIntosh. “Our business and industry partners have been incredible supporters of our individual programs and the College. The relationship we have with them helps us to know and meet their needs.”
NWSCC was one of the schools chosen for the 2023-2024 Metallica Scholars Initiative, funded by legendary rock band Metallica’s All Within My Hands Foundation. This program supports NWSCC students in advanced manufacturing and construction majors. Metallica Scholars Initiative students will serve as tour guides for the event.
Each of the above listed career technical programs will offer their open house in their program’s building. For more information about the Metallica Scholars Manufacturing Day, please contact Allison Mefford at allison.mefford@nwscc.edu.
Media Release/Trent Randolph/Director of Public Relations and Marketing NWSCC