Kendall Burgess Dowell – Obituary

by Lynn McMillen
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Kendall Burgess Dowell, 47, passed away at his home in Birmingham on August 27, 2013. Kendall was a truly dynamic personality and made an indelible impression on all who knew him. He will be greatly missed by his mother, Betty Dowell of Athens; sister, Cindy Newlin (FL); her children, David Newlin (FL) and Heather and Winthrop Allen (SC); brothers, Michael Dowell (Pat Gooch) (VA); Jonathan Dowell (TX); Steve and Lana Dowell, their children, Jessica and Elizabeth (IN); Ben Dowell (Mony DeMarco) (GA); Nathan and Danielle Dowell, their children, Perry and Alex (AL); and many beloved extended family members and dear friends. Kendall was preceded in death earlier this year by his father, H.B. “Mike” Dowell of Athens.

Kendall graduated from The Alabama School of Fine Arts in 1985 and lived in Charlotte, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Memphis, and Athens before returning to Birmingham last year. He loved his work with numerous theatre companies in roles ranging from behind the scenes to principal characters, and was never happier than when performing. He often volunteered his time to work with the homeless, enjoyed visiting with the elderly in assisted living facilities, and would gladly give his last dollar to someone he felt needed it worse than he-something he did many times.

Services for Kendall will be held on Friday, October 4 at 2 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, Athens. The family asks that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to either the charity of one’s choice , The Alabama School of Fine Arts, or by writing Congress in support of better access to mental health services for all Americans.


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