Huntsville Woman Dies From Injuries Received In Head-On-Collision

by Roger Murphy
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HUNTSVILLE-The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency reports a two-vehicle head-on-collision has taken the life of  a Huntsville woman:

“A two-vehicle crash that occurred at approximately 1:50 p.m. Monday, January 20, has claimed the life of a Huntsville woman.

Felicia L. Hereford-Kaigler, 64, was fatally injured when the 2001 Honda Civic that she was driving collided head-on with the 2018 Kenworth T680 tractor-trailer driven by Steve B. Rogers Jr., 47, of Huntsville. Hereford-Kaigler was not using a seat belt at the time of crash and was pronounced deceased at the scene.

The crash occurred on Winchester Road near Henson Drive, approximately four miles northeast of Huntsville, in Madison County.

Nothing further is available as Troopers with the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency’s (ALEA) Highway Patrol Division continue to investigate.”


Senior Trooper Brandon Bailey/Alabama Law Enforcement Agency

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