FLORENCE-On Thursday, January 9, 2025, the Florence Police Department charged

Jamorious Vaughn
, 20, with two counts of Possession of Obscene Matter Containing Visual Depiction of Persons Under 17 Years of Age Involved in Obscene Acts (13A-12-192 ) and two counts of Production of Obscene Matter Containing Visual Depiction of Person Under 17 Years of Age Involved in Obscene Acts (13a-12-197).
Vaughn, who is currently incarcerated in the Lauderdale County Detention Center on unrelated charges, directed a sixteen-year-old female to perform obscene acts while on a video call with him. Florence Detectives located the evidence during a routine review of jail calls.
Jamorious Deboris Vaughn is confined in the Lauderdale County Detention Center with a $245,000 bond.
Jamorius Vaughn is presumed innocent until proven guilty
Media Release/Florence Police Department