UPDATE – Courtland Air Show this Saturday

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WWII Corsair in 2011

COURTLAND AIRPORT – Final preparations are underway, tents and barricades are in place, and the pilots are arriving in their unique aircraft today for tomorrow’s big airshow.
The gates open at Noon on Saturday, with show aircraft on static display. Show visitors can walk right up to vintage war birds and experimental aircraft of many different types. They can meet and talk to the pilots and support crews, and even get an autograph or two.

Alabama Boys J3 Cub exhibition in 2011

There will be aerobatics, war bird flybys including a C-47 Spooky gunship of the Viet Nam War era, The Alabama Boys Piper Cub demonstration and comedy act, as well as a special aircraft, A Twin Beech-18 flown by pilot Matt Younkin.






The organizers have worked hard for the past year to put on their best show ever. If you like airplanes (and who doesn’t?), make plans to spend the afternoon tomorrow at the Historic Courtland Airport.

Here is a link to their web site: LINK.

Here are a few photos of the pilots, crew and staff making preparations:

Karli Grace Thomas, 19, of Guntersville - charged with sodomy in the second degree.

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