“Birding with Audubon” With World-Renowned Storyteller And Naturalist Brian Fox Ellis

January 17, 2025 Guntersville State Park

by Staff
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GUNTERSVILLE-Lake Guntersville State Park is hosting world-renowned storyteller and naturalist Brian Fox Ellis on January 17, 2025, and we’d love to have you join us for his “Birding with Audubon” storytelling session.

Blending American Indian legends with natural history, storyteller Brian “Fox” Ellis takes listeners into the world of these

Brian Fox Ellis

magnificent birds. Informative and inspiring, Fox tells the story of the eagle’s demise and glorious return from the brink of extinction. Weaving scientific facts with folk songs and folktales from around the world, this program offers something for everyone!

This program is free to the public thanks to the Friends of Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge. You and your family won’t want to miss it!

The presentation will begin at 5:00 PM at The Gathering Place, located in the campground.
This will be a free event for kids of all ages. Join us in welcoming this special guest speaker at Lake Guntersville State Park.
Sign up and find out more here:
Media Release/Guntersville State Park

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