ATHENS-Over the past few months, the Athens Police Department has received numerous complaints from concerned parents and citizens regarding the illegal sale of alcohol to minors at local convenience stores.
Beginning the first week of July, the Athens Police Department conducted surveillance on these locations for underage sales. Controlled purchases of alcohol utilizing an under age source were also conducted.
The source was sent to all of the convenience stores that complaints were made against as well as several other locations within the City of Athens. As a result of this investigation, the Athens Police Department was able to identify nine (9) individuals from eight (8) different locations that had either sold alcohol to the source or other minors.
The underage sale of alcohol to minors will not be tolerated due to the devastating effects this could have for our youth and community. These individuals have a responsibility to help ensure that our youth are unable to purchase alcohol.
The Athens Police Department would like to mention that the majority of convenience stores located within the City of Athens denied the sale of alcohol to our source.
Subsequently, warrants were obtained and arrests made on the following for the illegal sale of alcohol to a minor:
Ahmed Hameed Asayadi (35) of Madison, Alabama
Isa Fayez Saleh Zookari (22) of Madison, Alabama
Mohamed Abdellahi Oumar (43) of Ardmore, Alabama
Marcus Joe Steelman (45) of Athens, Alabama
Holly May Prozanski (39) of Elkmont, Alabama
Devin Andrew Bennett (33) of Athens, Alabama
Hamam Fayez Saleh Zookari (23) of Madison, Alabama
Cody Allen Vinson (35) of Athens, Alabama
Rashmitaben Snehalkumar Patel (39) of Athens, Alabama