TENNESSEE VALLEY– The Alabama Bicentennial Commission Foundation is awarding grants to support local and statewide efforts to commemorate the state’s 200th anniversary. Grants will be awarded at the community and county level on a rolling basis up to November 15, 2017, or until all funds are committed. Only one grant per community or county will be awarded. To apply for funding, a local Bicentennial Committee must be on file with the Bicentennial Commission. To determine if your municipality or county has a committee on file, click HERE. For more information on the grant process, click HERE.
Community Grants
• Grant amount: up to $2500 (up to 60 grants at $2500 = $150,000)
• Who can apply: municipal governments, 501c3 organizations
• Requirements: support of local bicentennial committee with resolution on file
County Grants
• Grant amount: up to $5000 (up to 30@ $5000 = $150,000)
• Who can apply: county commission offices
• Requirements: support of local bicentennial committee with resolution on file
Media Release/Alabama League of Municipalities