MONTGOMERY-Do you want to stay up to date on breaking public health alerts and news, including events and activities? Just download the Alabama Department of Public Health app on your mobile device. The department launched the application to make it easier for the public to access health information.
The app connects all ADPH social media accounts—Facebook, Twitter and YouTube—in one place. In addition to news releases, the app connects the user to notices and events, messages from the state health officer, Alabama Public Health Training Network messages and program information.
“We can reach people wherever they are quickly and easily,” Jim McVay, Dr.P.A., director of the Bureau of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease, said. “There are so many potential uses. The app can be a crucial tool in informing the public during natural or man-made disasters.”
The Alabama Department of Public Health mobile app is available for downloading at no charge. The app requires Android 2.2 or later and iPhone iOS5 or later on mobile devices such as smart phones and iPads.
For more information contact Jennifer Sumner, (334) 206-7988 or