Robinson awarded for business excellence

by Steve Wiggins
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MUSCLE SHOALS – Service One Transport President, Kelly Robinson was recently honored by Governor Kay Ivy. Robinson was awarded the honorary title of Lt. Colonel of the Alabama Militia. Service One Trucking, which has a home-yard in Muscle Shoals and another yard in Memphis, has a large fleet of tractor trailers that operates nationwide. Robinson and her family built a world class business operation here in Alabama, and it was for these accomplishments that she was recognized by Governor Ivy and the Alabama Trucking Association.

Noting Robinson’s leadership and management skills, she was presented with this year’s Award of Excellence for assisting economic growth in the North Alabama area by providing excellent transportation services and providing options for new businesses looking to relocate in the North Alabama area.

On the heels of Governor Ivy’s award, Robinson was awarded two additional awards at last month’s Alabama Trucking Association’s annual meeting in Orlando. The first award was for her economic impact on the community and adding jobs. The second was for her work in attracting manufacturing and distribution warehousing into Northwest Alabama.

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