Youth and Physically Disabled Hunt Dates Announced for Field Trial Area

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Registration Opens September 1 and October 1

chad_huntingMONTGOMERY-The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) announces the youth deer and duck hunt schedules at the M. Barnett Lawley Forever Wild Field Trial Area (FWFTA) in Hale County. The hunts will take place in late-November 2016 through January 2017. Registration will open September 1.

In addition to the youth deer and duck hunts, the FWFTA will host hunt days for hunters (of any age) with physical disabilities. The hunts will take place on the youth deer hunt dates. Registration for the physically disabled hunting days will open October 1.

To register for the hunts, call or leave a message for Bill Mason with the ADCNR State Lands Division at334-624-9952. When registering please include a first choice and alternative date for your hunt. Reservations will be filled for the selected dates in the order they are received. If you have questions about the location or hunt details, call the number listed above or email



Youth deer and physically disabled hunt dates:
November 23 and 26
December 21 and 31
January 11, 14, 18, 15 and 28Buest'em Boys 2011

Youth duck hunt dates:
November 26
December 21 and 31
January 11, 14, 18, 15 and 28

To participate in the youth hunts, hunters must be age 15 or younger and accompanied by an adult at least 21 years old (or a parent) who holds a valid state hunting license and a Harvest Information Program (HIP) stamp. Hunters must obtain their license and HIP stamp before the hunt since they will not be available on-site.

Each hunt date can accommodate four youth deer hunters, two groups of youth duck hunters, and three hunters with physically disabilities. The duck hunting groups can consist of one adult and three youth hunters or two adults and two youth hunters.

downloadHunters with physical disabilities are required to fill out a Disabled Hunter Permit Application prior to the hunt dates. For more information on the permit process, call the Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries at 334-242-3465 or visit

Mandatory reporting of all deer (and turkey) harvests through Alabama’s Game Check system will be in effect for the 2016-17 youth and physically disabled hunting dates at FWFTA. Hunters will have 48 hours to report their harvest through a mobile app, online at, or by phone at 1-800-888-7690.

Information required to Game Check a harvest includes the date of harvest, the type of animal (deer or turkey), sex of deer (or age of gobbler), county of harvest, public or private land, and a hunting license or H.E.L.P. (Hunter Exempt License Privilege) number.

Hunters are encouraged to utilize Game Check via the Outdoor Alabama mobile app or go online to report their harvest. Reporting via the mobile app can be completed offline regardless of cellphone or data coverage. Just input the information and the app will automatically submit it when cellphone or data coverage is restored. The phone number is provided as a service for hunters who do not have internet access.

Besides providing a convenient way to report your harvest, a smartphone with the Outdoor Alabama app will be accepted in lieu of a paper harvest record. Hunters who plan to Game Check online or by phone are still required to possess a harvest record and hunting license during their hunt.

To learn more about Alabama’s Game Check system, visit

The M. Barnett Lawley Forever Wild Field Trial Area consists of 4,300 acres in Hale County and is managed as a nature preserve and recreation area. In addition to developing a sporting dog Field Trial/Hunt Test grounds and a youth hunting program, the ADCNR State Lands Division is currently restoring the tract’s native prairie grasslands and managing its numerous ponds for future public fishing.

ADCNR does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, gender, pregnancy, national origin, genetic information, veteran status, or disability in its hiring or employment practices nor in admission to, access to, or operations of its programs, services, or activities.

Media Release/Bill Mason/Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

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