Worldwide music legend and Muscle Shoals’ friend to everyone he met, Jimmy Johnson passes this afternoon – R.I.P.

by Steve Wiggins

Swamper Jimmy Johnson passes today, September 5, 2019

SHEFFIELD – Jimmy Johnson, 76, of Sheffield died this afternoon at Northwest Alabama Medical Center. At 2:00PM, Jimmy’s son posted on Facebook. “He is gone. Playing music with the angels now.” Johnson had been in declining health for the last several years. He entered the hospital several days ago, suffering multiple health issues. Surrounded by family, including his beloved wife, Becky. Jimmy passed peacefully.

Jimmy Johnson

Johnson, one of the original FAME Studios, “Swampers”, and co-owner of Muscle Shoals Sound Studios in Sheffield, was instrumental in producing and appearing on hundreds of hit records from our little corner of Alabama.

Jimmy Johnson and fellow Swamper and friend, David Hood in 2014

As the news spreads throughout the worldwide music community and the Shoals as a whole, his kind and gentle nature will be remembered with the same reverence as his astounding musical accomplishments. He was a friend to everyone he met, was humble in his great accomplishments, and was ever ready to give a guiding hand to newcomers to the music business.

He will be missed.

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chuck brown September 5, 2019 - 5:57 pm

The most gentle humble talented man. Work with so many great artist and enhanced their careers. Some Like Bob Seager, who did not have the money to pay for an entire album. The band did it on a handshake.

Terry Frederick September 6, 2019 - 5:19 am

I’ve known Jimmy and Earl most of my life. We went to the same church when we were kids. Glad to have known him and sorry to hear this news.

Gene Hamby September 6, 2019 - 6:58 am

God gives a few of us rare talents. Many who receive these talents do not develop them to the fullest extent. Jimmy is one of those gifted souls who was blessed with unique gifts. He developed them to the fullest with zeal. He became an international giant in the world of music. Sheffield is blessed to have had him as a native son. I salute him as a true legend.


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