Wilson Dam Road Closed For the Next 10 Months Due To Maintenance And Road Work

by Lynn McMillen
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MUSCLE SHOALS-TVA spokesman Scott Fielder says the road over Wilson Dam will be closed for the next 10 months to take the opportunity to do generator maintenance and road resurfacing.  They will be working on #1, #2 and #4 in sequence.  According to TVA it takes about two weeks to do the work n each unit.  The road must be closed in order to access the generator draft tubes.  We can’t have employees and equipment on the road with traffic going by.

The road will remain closed for the next 10 months to allow the old concrete road surface to be removed and replace it with a new surface once the generator work has been completed.

The road project is scheduled to begin in late March.  The road will be closed until the resurfacing work is done.

The project originally included cosmetic work on the spillway arch faces on the downstream side of the dam, but when bids came too high, TVA decided to remove the cosmetic work and rebid just the road improvement portion of the project.  Bids for this project sans the arch work is due by January 30.  According to Fielder once the low bid has been determined and approved the work should begin.  The bidding should see approval by mid February.







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