ATHENS-On Friday it was reported to the director of cemetery, parks and recreation Bert Bradford that part of the stream that flows into the duck pond had sunk. Workers removed enough of the crumbling structure to reveal a sinkhole that has been estimated to be at least 8 feet deep.
According to Bradford it was estimated that about 600 gallons of water per minute was flowing into the sinkhole before the crew had it diverted elsewhere. Workers from the Street Department joined Parks and Rec workers Tuesday to clear debris and assess the situation.
Bradford said it could take several days to repair the damage which will include crating a flowable field to pour concrete on. After that rebuilding and reforming a way to flow water from the duck pond to the bottom of the hill.
A crew dug out where the sinkhole formed and installed fencing around the area. Public Works and Parks and Rec ask that for safety, the public not cross the fencing.
Repairing the sinkhole and reinforcing the retaining wall may take two weeks.