Tennessee….Home of Country Music

by Hannah Penne
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downloadTennessee home to whiskey, Polly Bergen, and Oak Ridge…home to the atomic bomb all from Tennessee.

Andrew Johnson held every elective office at the local, state, and federal level, including President of the United States. He was elected alderman, mayor, state representative, and state senator from Greeneville. He served as governor and military governor of Tennessee and United States congressman, senator, and vice president, becoming President of the United States following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

The largest earthquake in American history, the New Madrid Earthquake occurred in the winter of 1811-12 in northwestern Tennessee. Reelfoot Lake located in Obion and Lake Counties was formed during this earthquake.

From Tennessee….Davy Crockett was not born on a mountaintop in Tennessee…..Alex Haley boyhood home in Henning is the first state-owned historic site devoted to African Americans in Tennessee….Actress-singer Polly Bergen, from Knoxville…. Minnie Pearl from Centerville.  And of course…Elvis lived in Memphis..Graceland ya’ll.

Tennessee won its nickname as The Volunteer State during the War of 1812 when volunteer soldiers from Tennessee displayed marked valor in the Battle of New Orleans.

Be proud to be called a Tennessee Volunteer.


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