Ron Tyler Issues Open Letter Regarding Pan-Handling In Florence

by Roger Murphy
1 comment

Chief Ron Tyler

FLORENCE – On Monday, March 9 the Florence Police Department’s Chief of police, Ron Tyler issued a statement on The Florence Police Facebook page regarding the policy of pan-handling/loitering in the downtown area of Florence:

Message from Chief Tyler regarding downtown Pan-Handling:

“The Florence Police Department has received numerous complaints about people pan-handling in our downtown business district. These complaints have come from business owners, customers, visitors, and college students. In response to these complaints our officers have repeatedly warned suspected pan-handlers that panhandling is illegal. Yet the complaints and pan-handling activity continued. In fact, it recently escalated to a citizen being robbed at knifepoint. These events led our agency to develop a strategy to curb panhandling in our downtown business district. This strategy involves both uniformed and plain clothed officers and targets those who commit the crime of loitering, also known as pan-handling. This strategy has been in place since the citizen was robbed walking to his car on January 14, 2020.
It is important to note that this community has ample services available to individuals in need. Help to those in need is available from many sources including various churches, Community Action, 211, Meals on Wheels, the Salvation Army, Room in the Inn, the Help Center, and many other organizations. I encourage everyone to become familiar with all of the sources of help in our community and refer anyone you may encounter asking for money to one of these community action agencies.


Chief Ron Tyler”

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1 comment

Rhoda March 10, 2020 - 10:06 am

Thank you for for responding to citizens concerns and complaints. it is a difficult position that you have been placed in but you’re doing your best concerning all citizens.


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