Parker Griffith at UNA

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Parker Griffith

Parker Griffith

FLORENCE- Parker Griffith spoke to students at UNA in Steve’s Hall auditorium this past Tuesday about business.
Griffith is running for Governor in the Democratic Party on June 3. He changed parties to run against incumbent Governor Republican Robert Bentley.

This is not the first time that Griffith switched sides. He was elected to the U.S. Congress in 2008. While in office, Griffith decided that he didn’t like the Democratic Party’s politics and became a Republican. In the 2010 Congressional primary, Griffith a sitting Congressman was roundly defeated in the Primary Election by Mo Brooks. He sat out the last Congressional Election. And now, once again as a Democrat, Griffith is running for Governor.

“Stumbling and falling is okay as long as you’re falling forward,” Griffith said. He urged the young adults to hit the books hard so they could each succeed in life after college.
He urged, “You have to develop your talents, in order to help others.” And don’t be a “Lifeguard that can’t swim.”
He spoke further on his actions in politics and health treatment. Then admitted, “I didn’t win every race I ran.”speaking

He claimed, “I’m not a tea partier, I’m just a Southern Democrat.”
He told the students, “We are on the verge of a hug economic gain in America.”
He touched on how lately Alabama has been creating a lot of low income jobs, and the obligatory”American Dream”.
He continued,”It’s politics pure and simple, and it’s despicable.”
During the Q&A he was asked questions that had to do with the Medicaid Expansion, abortion and differing county problems.
Griffith’s visit to UNA was sponsored by a sales marketing managing society at UNA, Pi Sigma Epsilon.

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