MONTGOMERY – Governor Robert Bentley has awarded two grants totaling $10,002 to purchase equipment for the Limestone County Sheriff’s Office.
The grant to the County Commission will purchase six automatic vehicle locating systems and nine body cameras. The vehicle locating systems allow the Sheriff’s Office to pinpoint the location of the equipped patrol vehicles at all times, enhancing safety in the event that a deputy is unable to communicate his or her location verbally. The body cameras provide accountability and transparency by recording deputies’ interactions with the public. The footage can be used for training or as evidence in court.
The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs is administering the grants from funds made available to the state by the U.S. Department of Justice. ADECA administers a wide range of programs that support law enforcement, economic development, water resource management, energy conservation and recreation.
Bentley notified County Commission Chairman Mark Yarbrough that the grants had been approved