SHEFFIELD-Sheffield’s L. E. Willson Elementary School is collecting aluminum cans and they need your help. L.E. Willson is taking on this fundraiser to help raise funds for new gymnasium bleachers.
Here is what you can do and what you need to know to help:
What is the ‘aluminum for aluminum’ campaign?
The “aluminum for aluminum” campaign is a fundraiser and recycling educational program for Sheffield’s L. E.
Willson Elementary School students. L. E. Willson is the only school in the state of Alabama selected to participate
in this program. In addition to the educational benefits for students, the school will receive recycling fees from
donated cans and be eligible for other cash prizes as they compete with seven schools from Illinois, Indiana,
Kentucky, Mississippi, Pennsylvania and Texas. “Scrap University Kids” will match funds raised by the school during
the competition.
What is the top cash prize?
How will L. E. Willson use the money?
Funding will be used to replace L. E Willson’s gymnasium bleachers.
How can you help the school win the $3,000?
By donating one million aluminum cans from our community. We really need your help!!
The donation of aluminum cans continues through April 2024.
Rinse and save your aluminum cans.
1) You may deliver your cans to L.E. Willson Elementary School each Wednesday.
2) You may deliver your cans to “Home Grown Art”, 206 E 3rd St, Sheffield, AL
Tuesday – Friday 11am – 5pm (closed 12 pm – 1pm on Wednesday), Saturday 11am – 3pm.
Thank you, Barbara!!
3) You may call to have a campaign volunteer pick-up your aluminum cans.
Mary Settle Cooney – 256-383-2429.
Can Champion
Our local Constellium is L.E. Willson’s “Can Champion”. “Constellium is a global leader in the development and
manufacturing of high value-added aluminum products and solutions, and in aluminum recycling”. The company is a member of the Can Manufactures Institute that provides funding and oversight of this program. Sheffield’s SA
Recycling serves as the scrap yard.
Wonder how many cans you collect?
Each pound is approximately 34 cans.
This appeal is a community endeavor by private citizens in support of the L. E. Willson School aluminum can drive. Information has been summarized and does not include all of the financial and educational benefits of the “Scrap University Kids” program including the educational and financial benefits to the school.
Media Release/Sheffield Central