If Kerry didn’t already know how much he is loved… Last night’s benefit showed him loud and clear!

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IMG_5127 copyFLORENCE – Even the guys from Shenandoah got back together last night (Thursday) to tell their old friend Kerry Gilbert just how much he means to music in this part of the world. The benefit show was packed with well-wishers who came to show support to the guy who has given back so much to his community. Kerry has acquired some health issues that will require a fair amount of medical attention. And Shoals musicians, as they most always do, turned out to help raise money to make Kerry’s life a bit easier.

The Quad-Cities Daily was on hand to take EVENT PHOTOS, and we present them here. They are nice and big so that you can make a print for yourself. A photo printer works nicely, or the file can be downloaded to a thumb-drive and printed at your nearby drugstore. Remember to select “View full size” in the box down below the slideshow image on the right. Just remember, please, that these photos are for your PRIVATE, NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY! Enjoy!

Photos by Steve and Sheri Wiggins

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1 comment

Jeff, Tina & Brandon Bullington September 14, 2013 - 10:04 am

In continued prayers…We love Kerry Don & family~ God Bless~


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