Hunting, Fishing and Observing Wildlife Provide Economic Benefits for Alabama

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outdoor-alabama-featuredMONTGOMERY-In advance of National Hunting and Fishing Day on September 28, 2013, the Alabama Department of national hunting and fishing dayConservation and Natural Resources is proud to join with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) in highlighting results from the 2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation.


ala bass trailAccording to the survey report, 1.7 million people participated in wildlife-related recreation in hunt alathe state of Alabama in 2011, generating $2.7 billion for the state’s economy. The Alabama state report measures public participation in hunting, fishing, wildlife viewing and other wildlife-dependent recreation, as well as how much money is spent pursuing these activities. It is now available online at:


The survey, conducted every five years by the USFWS and the U.S. Census Bureau, has become one of the most important sources of information on fish and wildlife recreation in the United States. Federal, state, and private organizations use the information in managing wildlife and wildlife-related recreation programs, and in forecasting trends in participation and economic impacts.


campingHighlighted in the state report is the following:hicking ala

  • $2.7 billion total spent on wildlife-related recreation in Alabama.
  • $456 million spent in Alabama from fishing-related activities.
  • $913 million spent in Alabama on hunting-related activities.
  • $734 million spent in Alabama on wildlife-watching activities.




bird watchingNationally, here are some highlights:

  • More than 90 million U.S. residents 16 years old and older participated in some form of wildlife-related recreation in 2011, up 3 percent from five years earlier. The increase was primarily among those who fished and hunted.
  • Wildlife recreationists spent $144.7 billion in 2011 on their activities, which equated to 1 percent of the Gross Domestic Product. Of the total amount spent, $49.5 billion was trip-related, $70.4 billion was spent on equipment, and $24.8 billion was spent on other items such as licenses and land leasing and ownership.
  • The number of hunters and anglers rose from 33.9 million in 2006 to 37.4 million in 2011. The data show that snap33.1 million people fished and 13.7 million hunted.
  • 71.8 million U.S. residents observed, fed, and/or photographed birds and other wildlife in 2011. Almost 68.6 million people wildlife watched around their homes, and 22.5 million people took trips of at least 1 mile from home to primarily wildlife watch.
  • Of the 46.7 million people who observed wild birds, 88 percent did so around their homes and 38 percent on trips a mile or more from home.
  • People spent $54.9 billion on their wildlife-watching trips, equipment, and other items in 2011. This amounted to $981 on average per spender for the year.


Complete survey results are available at:



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