Hiking Sipsey—A Family’s Fight for Eastern Wilderness…Book Sigining At Florence/Lauderdale Tourism April 14

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FLORENCE-Rickey Butch Walker, author of Hiking Sipsey—A Family’s Fight for Eastern Wilderness, will speak at the Florence/Lauderdale Tourism on April 14, 2018 at 1:00pm, with a book signing to follow. The Florence/Lauderdale Tourism is located in McFarland Park, 200 Jim Spain Drive, Florence, Alabama 35630.

Walker is a child of the Sipsey Wilderness and has fought to protect this sacred area, which is home to many unique plants and wildlife. In the book, Hiking Sipsey, Walker teamed with Jim Manasco to produce a work that documents rare details of the Sipsey Wilderness Area and William Bankhead National Forest in the Warrior Mountains of Northwest Alabama. Walker and Manasco showcase the struggles to promote conservation and to prevent the destruction of one of nature’s greatest gems.

Walker has been known for many years for historical preservation, but he has also accomplished just as much in the area of conservation. He has been a vocal advocate fighting to protect the Bankhead Forest since 1966. He served Chairman of Wild South, a leading protector of Southern public lands and biodiversity, from 1992-2006. Walker is also the author of over ten books.

To find out more about Rickey Butch Walker and his publications, follow him at www.facebook.com/Butch-Walker-History-689599801204350/.

You can purchase Hiking Sipsey—A Family’s Fight for Eastern Wilderness (ASIN: B00L3WEUTQ) at the Florence/Lauderdale Tourism Center and at amazon.com, along with Walker’s other works.

Media Release/Angela Broyles/Bluewater Publications

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