Governor Robert Bentley Encourages Alabamians to Support Small Business Saturday on November 26

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small-business-saturday-500x325MONTGOMERY– Governor Robert Bentley on Monday signed a proclamation formally declaring November 26th as Small Business Saturday in Alabama. Small Business Saturday is designed to celebrate and support small businesses and the impact they have on Alabama communities.

“Small Business Saturday is a great opportunity for Alabamians to support local businesses on the first Saturday after Thanksgiving,” Governor Bentley said. “Small businesses are the engines of job growth and a vital part of a stimulated economy. By recognizing Small Business Saturday, we can choose to support the small businesses that contribute to our economy and our communities. As we begin the holiday shopping season, I encourage Alabamians to shop at local small businesses throughout Alabama.”

NFIB is a partner again this year with American Express in a national campaign to promote Small Business Saturday, the day after Black Friday and the traditional start of the holiday shopping season. For many small businesses, the four weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas are a crucial period that could determine whether they are profitable for the year.

According to the latest state profile from the United States Small Business Administration, there are 382,524 small small business saturdaybusinesses in Alabama, accounting for 96.7% of Alabama businesses. Small businesses employ 47.7% of the state’s private sector workforce.

The Alabama Small Business Commission, created by Governor Bentley with Executive Order 47 in September of 2014, serves as an advisory body in formulating policies, encouraging innovation, and discussing issues critical to the economic growth of small businesses. The Commission promotes policies to assist new business start-ups and the expansion of existing businesses.

Rosemary Elebash, State Director for the National Federation of Independent Business chairs the Commission and Advisory Committee.

“Small business represents 99.7 percent of all U.S. employers, and they provide jobs for 58 million Americans,” Rosemary Elebash said. “For many local retail businesses, the holiday shopping season is a make-or-break time, and Americans who want to support their communities and the economy should remember to shop small.”

2016 is the 7th anniversary of Small Business Saturday. A copy of the Governor’s proclamation can be found here.

Media Release/The Office of Alabama Governor
Robert Bentley

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