Natchez, a golden eagle captured originally in 2015, returned to Freedom Hills WMA in early December.
MONTGOMERY-Alabama WFF began monitoring golden eagles using game cameras during the winter of 2011-2012. Since then, we have acquired over 28,000 eagle photos and have captured and tagged 13 eagles within the state. In early November four of our eagles being tracked with cellular transmitters appeared on our radar after being absent for approximately 6 months. In mid-December one of the four eagles, Natchez, finally showed up at one of our camera sites. Natchez, originally captured as a 6-year-old female in 2015, traveled over 1,700 miles in less than two months to make it back down to Freedom Hills WMA, where she was originally captured. Coon Dog, another tagged eagle traveled over 1,800 miles, made a quick stop in Alabama at the Freedom Hills WMA, before moving north to Tennessee. The other two eagles have yet to travel back through Alabama this winter. This year, we will attempt to equip two additional eagles with transmitters which will help us gather more information on migratory pathways and identify preferred habitat in Alabama.
Hytop was a 5-year-old male when he was captured on February 9, 2013, at James D. Martin- Skyline WMA in Jackson County.
The map below shows the northbound (Blue) and southbound (Yellow) migration routes of Hytop after he was captured in 2013, as well as his breeding range (Red).
Letson was a 4-year-old male when he was captured on January 29, 2014, at James D. Martin- Skyline WMA in Jackson County.
The map below shows the northbound (Blue) and southbound (Yellow) migration routes of Letson after he was captured in 2014 as well as his breeding range (Red).
Pinhoti was captured at Talladega National Forest on January 31, 2014. Due to high lead levels, she was transported to Auburn for treatment, and then was successfully released back at Talladega on February 15, 2014. Pinhoti was a 5-year-old female when captured.
The map below shows the northbound (Blue) and southbound (Yellow) migration routes of Pinhoti after she was captured in 2014 as well as her breeding range (Red).
Freedom Hills, a female, was captured at Freedom Hills on February 6, 2014.
The map below shows the northbound (Blue) and southbound (Yellow) migration routes of Freedom Hills after she was captured in 2014 as well as her breeding range (Red).
Natchez was captured at Freedom Hills WMA in Colbert County on February 14, 2015. She is a 6-year-old female.
Learn more about our golden eagle research by visiting our website.
Media Release/Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources