Florence/Lauderdale names accounting firm… Moves forward on head-hunter consultants

by Steve Wiggins
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Florence/Lauderdale Tourism Board of Directors

Florence/Lauderdale Tourism Board of Directors

FLORENCE – In a special called meeting, the Florence/Lauderdale Tourism Board of Directors agreed on a contract for accounting services from the C.P.A. firm of  Patterson, Prince and Associates of Florence. The company will take over accounting and payroll services in March for Tourism, which has been doing the work internally for years. Having an outside accounting firm, according to the Board’s discussions today, will provide more transparency of financial operations, while at the same time relieving the time-consuming day-to-day workload of Alison Stanfield, the Acting Tourism Director. Stanfield is temporarily filling the role of Director, while maintaining her own job which includes media relations, and development of marketing materials.  She also coordinates the walking tours of historic Florence and works with organizers of various events.

The Board also discussed the progress on contracting with an Executive search firm to help  recruit and hire a new Executive Director, a position made vacant by this month’s resignation of long-time Executive Director, Debbie Wilson.

David Mullendorf, Florence/Lauderdale Tourism Board member

David Mullendorf, Florence/Lauderdale Tourism Board member

Board Member David Mullendorf is heading the steering committee to locate a search firm. He reported that he has been in contact with 5 regional companies and is ready to bring at least 3 of them in for a meeting with the entire Board. Those meetings are likely to take place within the next week.

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