Florence Main Street Launches Christmas Ornament Project

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  1. recycled-ornamnetsFLORENCE-Downtown Florence is the place to be this holiday season and Florence Main Street is adding to the fun with a project involving local children and decorating the Florence Christmas Tree.

Main Street is collaborating with Florence City Schools 3rd grade classes at Weeden, Harlan, Forest Hills Elementary schools. Every 3rd grader will create a Christmas ornament out of recycled materials and each class will create one 20×20 ornament to decorate Wilson Park. Recycled materials have been donated by City of Florence Recycling Department, The Surprise Store, Pegasus Records, Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, Alabama Chanin, Nicole Nicole Clothing & Design, and Scarborough Doors.

The class ornaments will be hung before the lighting of the Florence Christmas Tree on Friday, December 5th at 7:00pm.

“I remember putting my hand in a glob of white cement to make my first handprint. After it dried and my pinguinteacher strung the red string through it, I had made my first Christmas ornament at school. My parents still hang my handprint on the Christmas tree because it reminds them of those special years. Main Street wanted to begin this project because we know how special it would be to every family and school involved. So mark your calendar to be in Wilson Park on December 5th at 7:00pm to see all the decorations and to support the children, schools, and our community this holiday season!” commented Christina Dorough, Event Coordinator of Florence Main Street.

Florence Main Street, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, works with business owners, community leaders, and residents toward the common goal of revitalizing Downtown Florence culturally and economically. For more information about us or any of these efforts, please contact Florence Main Street at 256-760-9648 or info@florencemainstreet.org


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