Downtown Art Gallery of a different style is dedicated…

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Tim Stevenson - Artist

Tim Stevenson – Artist

FLORENCE – For months motorists traveling along Tuscaloosa Street have been following the progress of local artist Tim Stevenson. He and some artist friends, known as “The Walldogs”, have been diligently working on some outdoor art on the side of what was once, many years ago, a Dodge Motor Car dealership.

The work is finished. Today there was a dedication ceremony. Billy Warren and Teryl Shields explained that there is more work to be done. The old building, now housing a discount retail store, has plywood covers on the upstairs windows which will be replaced with some decorative shutters to finish off the look.




The scenes depict the City of Florence and the environs that give the city its unique style.

Windows to be upgraded.
Florence Main Street Committee having photo taken.
Tim Stevenson - Artist
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1 comment

Teryl October 24, 2013 - 2:23 pm

Thanks for coming Steve and for the write up in the Quad-Cities!


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