Community meetings set for Colbert County trails

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FLORENCE—The National Park Service and the Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area want to
hear your thoughts about Colbert County trail systems.
The National Park Service’s Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program and the
MSNHA will host two community-input meetings: 4:30-6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 12, at the
Leighton Public Library and 4:30-6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 13, at the Sheffield Public Library.
Anyone can attend and share comments about the trail and blueway maps the project team has
developed. The map features proposed trail systems including the Singing River Trail and the
National Trail of Tears Historic Trail and will become part of a trail-development master plan for
Colbert County.
Comments submitted during the community meetings will help identify priority projects for the
community, said MSNHA Director Carrie Crawford.
“We are excited to share the maps for trail and blueway development with the Colbert County
community. We have heard from many community members and leaders over the course of this
project – clearly people see the addition of trails and blueways to their communities as an
important quality of life issue,” Crawford added. “We want to make sure that the plan that we
share with city and county leadership incorporates as many perspectives as possible so if you
haven’t attended a meeting yet, please come join us!”
Email for details about the community meetings. To learn more about NPS's
RTCA program, visit

Media Release/Cathy Wood
MSNHA media coordinator

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