Brooks Announces Departure of Communications Director

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Mo Brooks

Skyla Freeman

Skyla Freeman

WASHINGTON, D.C.-Congressman Brooks said, “Today I announce the resignation of my Communications Director, Skyla Freeman. A native of Lacey’s Spring, AL, Skyla has been on my staff from my first day in Congress. Over the years she has devoted countless hours to serving the people of North Alabama, ensuring strong communication with constituents on the issues they care about most.

“From setting up my first communications shop, to growing my Facebook profile to the most followed in the Alabama delegation, to developing a strong relationship with local and national media, to having a personality that is a pleasure to work with, Skyla Freeman has done an excellent job as Communications Director. Our Congressional office will miss her very much.

“I regularly encourage my staff to better themselves and explore opportunities for career advancement. As such, I congratulate Skyla for her success. I wish her the best.”

Freeman previously served at the White House, and holds degrees from Hillsdale College and Trinity College, University of Dublin.

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