Bentley – “I want what’s best for the Alabama Music Hall of Fame” – Appoints new Board members

by Steve Wiggins
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hall of fame featuredMONTGOMERY – Governor Robert Bentley today announced that he has made 3 new appointments to the Alabama Music Hall of Fame Board of Directors. They are: Huntsville/Madison County Convention and Visitors Bureau head, Judy Ryals; Alabama Tourism Director, Lee Sentell; and State Finance Director, Bill Newton. The appointments come on the heels of a sea change in direction for the struggling State-chartered museum.



Just last month Board Members Jimmy Johnson, Norbert Putnam, and Hank Locklin tendered their resignations, as did Executive Director Wiley Barnard. Their reasons for leaving were not made public, however it was suggested by an informed source that those who left did not feel that things were going in the right direction. The source told The Quad-Cities Daily that it was time for some new ideas.


Here is the full text of Governor Bentley’s statement:

“I want what’s best for the Alabama Music Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame has seen difficult times, and it is my goal to help the Hall of Fame grow stronger.

These appointees bring a wealth of tourism, marketing and financial management experience. They are dedicated to using their skills and talents to benefit the Hall of Fame. I am grateful for their commitment, and I appreciate the hard work of everyone who has served the Hall of Fame during a challenging time.

Alabama has a strong musical heritage. It’s important that we do everything we can to preserve that and share it with our residents and visitors. This is the next step in a long-term process of positioning the Hall of Fame to where it can once again welcome the public and showcase our musical heritage. We can all take pride in the music that’s produced and performed here in Alabama. The Hall of Fame was built to help share that pride. I’m confident the board can overcome the challenges that are currently faced by the Hall of Fame.”

Jeremy King, Governor Bentley’s Director of Communications gave some insight into the changes in his own words, “Governor Bentley wants to preserve the Alabama Music Hall of Fame’s best interests.” King indicated that no final decisions have been made as to the final outcome of the Hall’s disposition. “One thing is certain”. King added, “The Board has been given members with broad perspectives who will be able to shed some light as to what is best for the Hall of Fame’s future. But no final decisions have been made. The process is only in the beginning stages.”

The Quad-Cities Daily managed to secure a telephone interview with Board Member Lee Sentell late this afternoon. Sentell, Alabama Tourism Director, said that he is very excited about being in a position to assist the Alabama Music Hall Of Fame. “I think the goal is to get the Hall of Fame open once again… Just as soon as possible.”

Lee Sentell - Alabama  Tourism Director - Named Music Hall of Fame Board Member

Lee Sentell – Alabama Tourism Director – Named Music Hall of Fame Board Member

Sentell is acutely aware of what he described as a gift to Muscle Shoals Music, namely the release of the movie, “Muscle Shoals”. “Timing could not be better”, he said. “This film has brought awareness of Muscle Shoals music to a high level around thew world. And the Alabama Music Hall of Fame is in a great position to capitalize on it”. He continued, “People from around the world, the international tourists are interested in food and music.” He said they travel thousands of miles to historic venues, and “Muscle Shoals” has re-awakened them to this heritage. “People will want to come and see where this all happened,” he said.

When asked about the rumors that the Hall of Fame might be moved to Huntsville or somewhere near Mobile, Sentell pretty discounted that worry. He reminded this writer that  moving the location of this State-chartered facility would be very difficult. It was charted to operate in Tuscumbia.

Edit: Rodney Hall, Chairman of the Board of Directors contacted The Quad-Cities Daily after this story was published to give us a bit more understanding. He told us that the Charter does not specify that the ENTIRE exhibit reside in Tuscumbia. He told us that it was his understanding that the Charter allows multiple exhibits to be located throughout Alabama. Hall took care to say that there are no plans in the works to dismantle the Museum. Our thanks go out to Rodney Hall for his help on clarifying this article.

Sentell, who lived here back in the ’70’s as a local news reporter alongside Quad-Cities Daily contributor, Dick Cooper, had another reason for saving the Hall of Fame. His interest is in capitalizing on the singular, very special cache’ that the Muscle Shoals musicians, song writers, performers, technicians and studio owners built. He said, “They have earned the recognition for their over 40 years of work, and it shouldn’t be wasted. This museum should be open again to honor all parts of the recording industry who contributed to Muscle Shoals music.”.



Here is our earlier story : Barnard was brought in as “life support” for Hall of Fame. Pulls the plug…

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