MONTGOMERY-Attorney General Steve Marshall hailed the passage of the Alabama Child Protection Act by the Alabama House of Representatives. House Bill 168, sponsored by Representative Matt Woods, (R-Jasper), passed unanimously. The bill would statutorily enhance the state’s ability to combat artificial intelligence technology being used to create child pornography.
“The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence demands that we examine our criminal laws on child exploitation to ensure that prosecutions are not lagging behind what perpetrators are capable of doing. With this legislation, Alabama will be on the cutting edge of thwarting the proliferation of child sex abuse material, no matter how it is produced. I applaud Speaker Ledbetter for prioritizing this important bill, and for Representative Matt Wood’s leadership on the issue.”
Rep. Matt Woods stated, “I want to thank my colleagues for boldly addressing the rising challenge that AI-generated Child Sexual Abuse Material presents. It has been my privilege to shepherd this bill through the House and will continue to offer support as it makes its way through the Senate. Thank you to Attorney General Steve Marshall and his staff for their hard work in bringing this bill forward.”
Media Release/Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall