MONTGOMERY-More than 1.2 million people in the U.S. are living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), but one in six are not aware that they are positive. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends all Americans between the ages of 13-64 get tested for HIV as part of their routine health care. Early diagnosis and treatment extend life and help prevent the spread of HIV.
National HIV Testing Day is held annually on June 27. The Alabama Department of Public Health, Office of HIV Prevention and Care, is promoting its Know. Manage. Live.campaign. This slogan represents an HIV awareness strategy focused on testing and prevention, treatment and healthier living. It is important that all individuals learn the facts, get tested, and take action to protect themselves and their partners.
This year, the National HIV Testing Day theme is “My Test, My Way,” emphasizing that there are different ways and places to get tested for HIV. The theme provides opportunities to talk about the testing options available. HIV testing is easy, fast, confidential and safe.
For more information about HIV free testing and other resources, visit https://www.
Media Release/Alabama Department of Public Health/Jora White