TENNESSEE VALLEY-Due to the chance of severe weather some schools and businesses are closing today, December 23.
Here is a list of closing for December 23, 2015:
Huntsville IcePlex is closing at noon
University of Alabama Huntsville is closing at noon
University of Alabama Tuscaloosa is at noon
Jackson County Courthouse will be closing at 2:30 pm
Lauderdale DHR office will be closing at 2 pm
Madison County offices and the Madison County Courthouse will be closing at 2 pm
University of Alabama Birmingham will be closing at 2 pm – UAB Hospital will remain open
City of Madison offices and Dublin Park closed at 1 p.m.
Health Departments in the following counties closed at at noon: Cullman, Jackson, Lawrence, Marsh, and Morgan.
Santa’s Village in Huntsville closing for Wednesday night
Decatur Public Library will be closing at 2 p.m.
Galaxy of Lights closed for Wednesday