TENNESSEE VALLEY-Want to make a difference to the Tennessee Valley region? Volunteer at TVA and be part of our mission of service.
Any way you slice it, our mission comes down to energy, environment and economic development. What ties them together? Our dedication to stewardship — to not just providing services, but going beyond to truly care for our region—for the 293,000 acres of public land that has been entrusted to us, for the 10 million residents who depend on us for reliable power, for the seven states and countless communities that turn to us to help stimulate their prosperous economies.
We don’t do it alone. We do what we do in conjunction with strong partners throughout the Valley, be they elected officials, interested organizations or simply community members who care for this place and time as much as we do.
Do you count yourself among their number? There are many ways to volunteer and get involved at TVA, to be a part of the Valley’s unfolding success story.
Opportunities for Involvement
Adopt a TVA Trail
TVA manages more than 30 public trails (more than 180 miles) along the Tennessee River and its tributaries and on reservoir lands. You can help us by protecting and monitoring the trails to instill a legacy of conservation.
Adopt a Spot
The Adopt a Spot program will allow adopters to assist Natural Resources staff by providing information on trails or backcountry informal recreation site conditions. You’ll need to visit your spot four times a year, and submit a report after each trip.
Thousand Eyes Archaeological Site Stewardship Program
TVA’s Thousand Eyes Archaeological Site Stewardship Program is an outreach program that trains volunteers to help federal and state agencies with monitoring and protecting archaeological sites in the Tennessee Valley.
Recreation Nation
National Public Lands Day is the nation’s largest single-day volunteer effort. It celebrates the amazing recreational assets available to the public. Here’s how you can get involved this year!
Media Release/TVA Newsroom