U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville to Introduce President Trump at ALGOP Summer Dinner

Governor Kay Ivey, entire Alabama Republican Congressional Delegation to attend

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MONTGOMERY-Alabama’s Coach in Congress – U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville – will be on stage to greet President Donald J. Trump when he takes the stage at the Alabama Republican Party Summer Dinner in Montgomery this Friday.

“We are pleased to announce that Senator Tommy Tuberville will introduce the President at Friday night’s ALGOP Summer Dinner. President Trump and Senator Tuberville are two of the most popular political figures in the State of Alabama. I am looking forward to hearing from these two conservative leaders when they make their remarks,” said Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wahl.

“I’m excited for President Trump to return to the most conservative state in the nation. Alabama is Trump Country and we’re going to do our part to help Make America Great Again,” said Senator Tuberville.

Alabama’s entire Republican Congressional Delegation, as well as Governor Kay Ivey and every state constitutional office holder will also be in attendance at this year’s ALGOP Summer Dinner.

“We are pleased to have the support of our elected officials as we head into the 2024 cycle. I want to see the Alabama Republican Party united against the out of control policies coming out of the leftist Democrat Party and the Biden Administration. We are going to support the American dream by pushing for fiscal responsibility, keeping our communities safe, bringing down runaway inflation, and protecting our children from woke policies. This is not going to be an easy election year, and it’s all hands on deck as we get ready to take back the White House and Senate, as well as hold on to the U.S. House.” said Chairman John Wahl.

Media Release/Alabama Republican Party

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1 comment

Bebe Bradford August 1, 2023 - 4:01 pm

This is a shameful event–the blind following the blind, pathological, lying, greedy, demonic, idiot who continues to bamboozle other idiots into following him under the guise of making america great, again. This diabolical creature is leading every one of the attendees into hell and into harm’s way. They are unrighteous, unjust, shameful, lowlife devils. All of them need to vanish sooner than right now and faster than immediately. To Hell with all of them! They ALL are Hell bound!


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